ממייסדי ומובילי בית המדרש לרבנות ישראלית של המדרשה באורנים ומכון הרטמן. כיהנה כרב קהילת "מגן אברהם" בעומר שבנגב; כרב קהילה בניו יורק לצד הרב גורדון טאקר; כסגנית דיקן בית המדרש לרבנים ע"ש שכטר בירושלים.

The Zion Community is led by staff and lay-leadership
You are welcome to join us and lead something that speaks to you.

prof' Alice Shalvi z"l
Founding President

Rabbi Tamar Elad Appelbaum
Founding Rabbi
Leah Solomon
Board Chair

Nerya Refael Knafo
Executive Director

Itzik Pashkus
Director of Finance

Yahala Lachmish
Head of Prayer

Dana Nahum
Head of Community

Hadass Pal-Yarden

Akiva Sygal
Shani Ben-Or
Project Manager

Adenhom Alama

Yoni Zierler
Head of Education

Board members
Amit Poni-Kronish | Annie Kantar Ben-Hillel | Bill Berk | Chen Deri | Jean-Marc Liling | Talya Miron-Shatz | Yael Assor | Yehuda Cohen | Zach Harris | Chair - Leah Solomon
Executive Board, 2022 (in alphabetical order)
Professor Alice Shalvi, President
Heftzi Zion-Mozes, Chairperson
Yehuda Cohen, Treasurer
Rabbi Bill Berk | Devora Greenberg | Miri Lowenberg | Jean-Marc Liling | Ilana Nelson |
Michal Shahak | Dena Scher
Rachel Carlin and Itzik Ga’ash, Audit Committee
Members of the executive board serve as committee heads and lead initiatives and processes in the community. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact Heftzi, chairperson
community committees
Membership Committee - Membership in Zion is at the core of the community and the committee ensures a pleasant, inviting and inclusive membership process. For details, please contact Devora Greenberg, Head of the Membership Committee: Devora@masorti.org.il.
Committee for Assisting Asylum Seekers:
Yael Dover: y_dover@netvision.com
Jean-Marc Liling: liling.jdc@gmail.com
Rachel Shlomit Brezis: brezisrs@gmail.com
Michael Fagenblat: mfagenblat@gmail.com
Family and Education Committee: Activities for parents and children, our Bar/Bat Mitzvah group, and for families throughout the year. For details, please contact Ariella Poni Kronish, Head of Family and Education Committee: ariellakronish@gmail.com.
The Blue Door: Our second-hand clothing store initiative run by Muslim, Christian and Jewish volunteers, in conjunction with the Jerusalem YMCA, with proceeds going to disadvantaged families from the three communities. Please contact the initiative’s leaders to volunteer and/or donate clothes: Ilana Nelson ilanarnelson@gmail.com, Renee Goutmann reneegguide@gmail.com.
Kindness Committee: Providing support for community members during milestones and lifecycle events.
You are invited to join our members: Oreit Angel, Annie Ben Hillel, Danny Weininger, Hanoch Robinson, Miriam Mann, Naomi Raz, Nerya Refael Knafo, Sylvie Rosenbaum, Rachel Goldberg, Rachel Shlomit Brezis, Renee Goutmann, Sasha Shlomtzion Leshem and Rabbi Tamar.
For details, please contact Dana, Head of Community and Education: dana@zion-jerusalem.org.il
Solidarity Fund Committee: Providing discrete financial support to community members in need of support during the pandemic. Our members: Rabbi Leon Morris, Steven Laufer, Dafna Baraban and Rabbi Tamar. For details, please contact Rabbi Leon Morris, Committee Chairman: arvut@zion-jerusalem.org.il.
Mutual Responsibility Committee: Strengthening bonds between members of the community.
For details, please contact Co-Heads Sara Miriam Liben Sara.Liben@gmail.com or Leah Solomon leahjacquelyn@gmail.com.
Resource Development Committee: Supporting fundraising efforts for the community. Please contact Committee Head Dena Scher if you are interested in offering your expertise and help: denascher@gmail.com.
Welcoming Committee: Welcoming individuals and groups attending services at Zion. For details, please contact Dana Nahum, Head of Community and Education.
Torah reading and gabbai service: Are you interested in serving as gabbai/t or reading Torah and Haftara? Or learning to do so? Please contact Nerya Refael Knafo.